Do You Need to Speak French to Navigate Paris?

Yes and no. Learn how to greet people. Anytime you step into a shop, it is only polite to greet everyone (even the Security at the front door) with the greeting of the hour, Bonjour during the day and bonne Soiree in the evening. Merci, for Thank you, and ou sont less Toilettes to find the toilet. Parisians do not use euphemisms such as restrooms, bathrooms, or ladies’ rooms. Toilet works. While not everyone will speak English, many young people are and they can be quite helpful if you need an interpreter.

Croissant si vous plait, baquette si vous plait, it is as easy as please and thank you. If you begin in French, even with just a greeting, your host or shop owner may switch to English and if they do not, don’t stress. Just be prepared with a translation app on your phone. The computerized translations are not perfect, but they can help with basic communication.

When it comes to transit, Google Maps is perfectly acceptable for Metro navigation. You will walk, and you will take the stairs in the metro, so if any of your party is older or limited, let Google give you the bus routes. And if you are lost, Parles tu Anglais? Ask at the counter or security, and they will find someone to help you.

Above all, be polite and be fearless. Most people are quite kind and helpful. And if you encounter rudeness, pretend you are in New York. It can happen anywhere.

où sont les toilettes
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