Transportation in Paris

If you are a member of any of the travel forums online, you will find this topic discussed endlessly. As Parisians, we suggest only using Uber or a Taxi late at night when you are a little inebriated or the Metro has shut down for the day. 

Avoid taxis and Ubers if you are running late. This may seem counterintuitive. When running late, one assumes that grabbing a car will be faster. It is never the case. Paris has a traffic problem, and above-ground travel is slow, very slow, very, very slow. 

When people are running late for a tour, we inevitably get a call or a text: “I am in an Uber, and we are…..” Uber, on average, means a guest will be 30 or more minutes late. Using an Uber guarantees you will be late. 

What to do if you are impaired or cannot handle stairs: In this case, you have no choice but to use above-ground transit. Buses share lanes and run slow, but they are an option. The best option is to double or even triple the travel time Google Maps suggests. If you are early, there are several places to grab a coffee nearby. 

How to use Uber if you are determined to do so involves math. If it says an Uber is 7 minutes away with the driver cancellations and traffic, it is 30 minutes away. If it says it will take 20 minutes to reach the destination, it will take 40. If you have a 9 a.m. tour, get on the app at 7:30 a.m.; if you have an 11:00 tour, be on the app at 9:30.

Contact us when you arrive at the destination, and the tour has departed. We have a timeline and can help guide you to your guide and the rest of the group: +33 753 865 295, text, WhatsApp, or voice call. And keep your eyes open. There are many tours in Paris, so know what your guide looks like to find the right tour.  Go here for photos of Chef PJ so that you will recognize him.

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