Don’t! Seriously, we get this question all the time, and we suggest you do not get Euro before travelling. Yes, you need cash. Any tips for tour guides or servers should be in cash. Small purchases at bakeries and other establishments should be in cash. However it is very easy to obtain cash once here.
ATMs at the banks are the best way to obtain cash. Never accept their conversion, and your bank will get you the best rate. NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, use a Eurostar machine for cash withdrawals. They are all over Europe and to say they are problematic is an understatement. In order not to be sued, we will say no more but avoid them always.
Why Cash? Many travellers will tell you how easy it is to use a card, but they will not tell you that when you do, you are responsible for raising prices. The banks leverage such high commissions on those purchases that Merchants have no choice but to raise prices to accommodate. You will sometimes see a 5% surcharge for credit or debit purchases. We suggest using your card only for online purchases and never in person. Every business will appreciate your use of cash